Help With Morning Sickness- By: Mae Barton

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Plan on what you eat:

Eat foods that contain more protein before you sleep in the night to prevent that uncomfortable feeling in the morning. All bean varieties like kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans, soybeans are high protein foods. On the dairy side, yogurts and cottage cheese are excellent choices. Likewise Salmon and egg whites do contain a good amount of protein. As soon as you awake in the morning be sure to satisfy your hunger with things like dry crackers or whole wheat bread. It's important that you don't leave yourself feeling hungry.


Drinking lots of water is an critical aspect in the course of pregnancy. Try drinking as much water as possible, at the very least 2.5 liters each day, as a way to avoid dehydration. Dehydration tends to increase the severity of nausea and headaches. Not merely this, water has a massive role in maintaining your amniotic fluid levels which is really vital for your baby. Carbonated soft drinks or sweet juices don't account to your water intake. By water, I just mean plain H2O, nothing else.

Natural Remedy:

Ginger has been shown to assist with morning sickness. Try and drink some ginger juice, should you be unable to stomach it in its plain form you can add a pinch of sugar.

Eating modest amounts at regular short intervals is really a good general rule to follow. This way your stomach will not be empty. Remember, an empty stomach helps your nausea build up.


If natural remedies like ginger don't work for you then the vitamin supplement B6 can be taken. But, 1st consult your doctor for the appropriate dosage. These supplements shouldn't be taken when your stomach is empty.

Shun Away From these:


The actual smells are different for different women, but most will discover that particular smells aggravate their nausea, stay away from them. As an example, if it has to do something when a certain food is cooked, have your spouse cook for you, whilst you take some good rest in your bedroom with your doors closed.

Fatty foods:

Avoid consuming greasy or spicy foods if possible given that they are known for their nature of making your stomach acidic which can worsen your nausea.

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